Car Care Council Women's Board Conference Takeaways.

Car Care Council Women’s Board Conference Takeaways.

I'm an automotive repair shop owner and I've been networking and attending conferences in the auto industry for 15 years. It's easy to get pumped up when around like minded individuals learning to make their businesses better for their customers, team and improve the auto industry.

The Women's Board is different, a truly inspirational group. The Car Care Council Women's Board is comprised of auto care professionals dedicated to providing opportunities, education and career leadership to women in the auto care industry.

Here's why they are so much more. I've taken more action after these conferences and for me, the support and sharing is what makes the difference. I recently attended my 3rd conference, this time in Orlando, Fl. which was a nice break from the New England winter and I connected with women from all over the country and from a variety of areas in the auto industry.

Through networking, mentoring, scholarships, education to female consumers and keeping current on industry trends in this group, I have a deeper appreciation for just how large the auto industry is and have experienced personal/business growth since the very first conference I attended.

Confidence and good communication; the keys to success for women in a male dominated industry were my biggest takeaways this time. I also learned more about strength and courage from the women at Brakes for Breasts and She4Life.

We each have our own story of how we entered the auto industry and from listening to others I realize how much we have in common. There are many good men and women in auto industry who are making a difference. I'm proud to sponsor this group and enjoyed volunteering at the Women's Board booth during the MACS trade show. If you are a women in the auto industry, have women or know women working in an automotive business this is a group to join and if you are considering a career in the auto industry, find out all that is available to you. You can find me on LinkedIn if you would like to connect.

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Written by Maryann Croce