Vehicle Recall - Croce\'s Transmission

Vehicle Recall

Vehicle Recall

The recent widespread vehicle recall involving defective airbags affects an estimated 34 million vehicles, which makes it the largest consumer recall in U.S. history.  This effort to replace potentially life-threatening air bags points out the degree to which the government and car manufacturers want to ensure public safety.

However, as they do their part to replace a defective product, the public may not be so willing to do theirs. In fact, a survey by an online marketplace for car buyers and sellers reveals that only 56 percent of vehicle owners arrange to make necessary repairs with dealerships after being notified of a vehicle recall. It is hoped that drivers will make better efforts to ensure the safety of their vehicles.

TIP: Vehicle owners and car buyers are invited to visit the NHTSA website, where they can enter their vehicle information number (VIN) and determine if a vehicle is affected by a recall.

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Written by Maryann Croce