Vehicle Safety Recalls

Vehicle Safety Recalls

Recall surge

After a recent surge in vehicle safety recalls (largely caused by exploding airbags and faulty ignition switches), more than 50 million vehicles have been affected.

The good news is that vehicle safety recalls fix problems recognized by the manufacturer with no cost to consumers.

The bad news is that the majority of consumers ignore vehicle recalls.

The government estimates that 30 percent of the vehicles involved in each recall campaign do not get fixed, resulting in one out of every five automobiles on the road driving around with a safety defect.

Unaware Drivers

Some consumers don't even realize they have cars that are subject to a safety recall because the previous owner failed to get the problem fixed. Check the recall list for your vehicle.

TIP: There are several online resources available to check for vehicle-specific recalls using the vehicle identification number (VIN). is easy to use.

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Written by Developer Autoshop