Wheel Alignment - Croce's Transmission Blog Norwalk, CT

Wheel Alignment

Steps in a wheel alignment

A wheel alignment may begin by adjusting the "toe," which is the tilt of the wheels toward or away from one another when viewed from above.

Tires that "toe-in" point toward one another while tires that "toe-out" point away from each other. Proper toe adjustment minimizes wear.

Then, there is "camber," which is the tilt of the wheels toward or away from one another when viewed from the front. Camber adjustment helps keep the face of the tire tread flat on the road for maximum traction and less wear on the edges.

Lastly, "caster" is the angle of the steering axis in relation to a vertical line through the center of the wheel (when viewed from the side).

TIP: When wheels are out of alignment, tire wear is accelerated and fuel efficiency is compromised.

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Written by Developer Autoshop